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000160_owner-lightwav…mail.webcom.com_Tue Oct 3 14:23:44 1995.msg
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Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 17:17:17 -0400 (EDT)
From: Robert Cohen <rcohen@shell.monmouth.com>
To: Keith Lea <keith@cais.cais.com>
Cc: Lightwave Post <lightwave@mail.webcom.com>
Subject: Re: Making a Fence
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On Tue, 3 Oct 1995, Keith Lea wrote:
> I am trying to make a chain link fence for an animation. The fence is
> around a building. I am trying to keep my polygon count down. I have
> tried modeling the fence with good results but considering how many links
> I actually have to have the polygon count is just way to immense. Anyone
> out there have an Idea about making one.
> I remember seeing an ad for something called snap maps that did pretty
> good job with what looked like Clip Maps anyone have any experience with
> this?
Absolutly correct. Get into your favorite paint program and draw out
your chain links. Fill the screen with them. The closer your animation
will be to the fence, the higher a resolution you should use in the
creation of your "snap map". You will be making two versions.. You will
make one color (probably some shade of silvery grey) and a B&W version
for clip mapping. You can make your B&W version directy from your color
version by importing it into a program like Art Dept. Pro and converting
it to Gray and then upping the gamma and/or brightness a bit. You want a
high contrast image. You may also have to create a negative of this B&W,
since you want the chain links to be represented by white and the holes
to be represented by black.
Create a flat single polygon for every section of fence that you need.
In layout, import both images which you just created and then enter the
color version as the map for each section of fence. Use auto sizing.
Now go to the clip map panel and choose the B&W version as your clip
image for each section of fence. Again, be sure to use auto sizing.
If you are going to be bringing the camera near to the fence, you may
wish to use a flat polygon which as been extruded slightly to give the
links the illusion of depth. Not too much though, or it will destroy the
hope this helps ;)
Robert Cohen / Ocean Township NJ Lightwave Animator / Video Editor
robert.cohen@njland.com / rcohen@monmouth.com
Robert Cohen <rcohen@shell.monmouth.com> sent this message.
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